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      First Steps Autism

            What are sensory problems?

Sensory problems . 

What are they?


Sensory system .

There are seven sensory systems in the human body. Each of the systems is very complex and interaction of perception and experience can be dysfunctional in some cases of autism. Touch, sight, taste, smell and hearing are the five senses and the sixth sense is the vestibular system and the seventh is the proprioceptive system .the vestibular system involves how our body functions by processing movement. Sight is tied to this system. The proprioceptive system involves the body in its natural way of adjusting to its environment. This system involves fine motor skills co-ordination skills such as walking up and down stairs tying shoe laces, doing buttons up.



Sensory Activities 

How can they help your child 

Sensory activities .

There are all types of sencery activities you can set up for your child. Ther reason for finding sensory activities for your child is to ease them calm them down. When you can see your child is going to have a melt down you can give them something to relax them and which will mean their less likely to have a melt down so finding what sencery tool your child is interested in can be a big help . Your child might take an interest in playdough, sand, water play ,different materials for your child to touch .Swinging on a swing for the motion it can be very relaxing for a child with autism .

You might see your child play with particuar objects because they like the way it feels these objects could be a sencery tool for your child .Sound can play a big roll in the sencery system there are certain sounds and music that can help your child tune in to the world around them ,the different sounds that can be so overwhelming for them can be better understood . 




Sensory Signs of Autism.

Sensory signs.


Children learn from what they see, touch, feel, and hear. With children with autism the sensory information is faulty or if the input from the various fails to merge into a coherent picture, the Child experiences and pictures the world are very confusing. Children with autism can have two or both of these problems.

The brain malfunction of a child with autism is highly attuned or even more painfully sensitive to sound, texture and smells.

These children could also not like the feel of certain fabrics touching their skin also the textures of some food could also upset them.

A lot of children with autism don't feel pain or hot and cold and can’t tell you when they're sick. The seven senses are scrambled and it’s hard to unscramble.

It can be hard for a parent to hug or not to hug, it could upset the child and it’s a very confusing situation for both parent and child. As you learn to build up a relationship with them you will know what to do and what not to do.

It does pose a challenge to everyday activities like brushing teeth and hair. It can make one simple activity turn into a hard one and it can be very stressful on everyone in the household.








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